Reflecting on the 2024 Spirit & Truth Conferences

Last weekend we wrapped up the last Spirit & Truth Conference of 2024. We began the year in Mobile, Alabama. Our next stop was Conroe, Texas. Then we ended the conference season in Dayton, Ohio. We are in awe of all God did during these three conferences. Each conference was different: different place, different church, different context, different needs. Yet the same God came and met us. He always does. Anytime we make space for Him, even if it is just a few hours of worship, prayer, and hearing the gospel proclaimed, He always shows up. He is the God who meets us wherever we are, in whatever context we find ourselves in, and provides for whatever need we may have. Our team saw God do this over and over again in individuals and we witnessed God’s faithfulness to His church. 

There is nothing more encouraging than to hear testimonies of how God is still working in real people, problems, families, and churches. We want to share these with you! Below are testimonies from the 2024 Spirit & Truth Conferences. May these testimonies encourage, strengthen, and comfort you.

  • “I was on a prayer team and it was a new experience for me. Since the loss of my husband, I have been asking the lord to breathe new life into me, and he did that at the S&T conference. I feel blessed and that I want to share with others what the Lord has given me.”

  • “At last year's conference, I received prayer for the Lord to heal relationships in my extended family. The Lord answered beyond what I could have asked or imagined. This year, I praised Him with gratitude and joy for all He is doing!”

  • “I've been listening to God's voice and learning to hear more from Him. He spoke clearly during the exercises both to me and to others.”

  • “At the end of the conference I asked for healing prayer over my foot. It has been a long time since I have experienced such a clear, definite healing. It has not hurt since!”

  • “Every S&T Conference has had a significant impact on my spiritual life. Setting aside these hours to hear from the Lord with spiritual siblings is invaluable to me.”

  • “It was breathtaking and I could feel the Holy Spirit moving. Souls were healed and people accepted Christ. I was able to reflect on how I've changed since last year's conference. This amazing team has inspired me to live like Christ everyday. I'm so beyond blessed to have attended this life-changing conference.”

  • “For too long, I have watched ministry from afar. Sometimes I felt afraid, sometimes I believed myself unqualified, and other times I was simply lazy. At the conference, I came to understand that I cannot be a bystander and be spiritually healthy. I was called to repentance at the conference. I am so grateful!”

  • “I learned that I can't do it on my own. Some things in my life changed at the Conference that I have tried so hard to change. I accepted Christ at a young age, but don't remember the Holy Spirit being mentioned much. I've been a faithful church member, teacher, pianist, nurture team, etc., but I could not do what the Holy Spirit has done for me at the age of 81. This Spirit & Truth Conference is real!”

  • “Going into the conference I was struggling with grief over the recent death of my father and the joy of the adoption of my grandson and my youngest daughter's engagement. So much emotion was bubbling under the surface and I was struggling to reconcile how that much grief and joy could exist in me at the same time. The "mother and father prayers" Maggie and Kevin prayed over us helped me understand how grief and joy comes under the loving and watchful eye of the Father. It's helped me begin to reconcile those emotions and I feel no anxiety about those two powerful emotions coming up to the surface.”

  • “During the commissioning prayer time, I felt such a prompting to be anointed with oil and prayed over. My insides were quivering and I felt like I was shaking all over. I felt such a conviction over what God has been asking me to do in complete surrender to Him. I felt ready and able and feel it was a hurdle He brought me through that I have been wrestling over for a long time. It was a powerful moment.”

These testimonies remind me that God is still speaking, moving, healing, delivering, and working in our midst. Gathering together is encouraging, but I am most excited about what we all get to do now. Hearing God’s voice or experiencing His power and presence isn’t just for conferences. He desires us to listen and partner with Him all the time. He is waiting to encounter us, if we are willing to be present in His presence. Of course, we will continue to create space in the calendar for all of us to gather and meet with Him, but our challenge to you is to live into the fullness of life empowered by the Holy Spirit. The same God is with you in whatever context you find yourself in today.